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Pressure Drills Available for Purchase

Equipment is rented & returned daily, call to confirm availability.
All units are subject to local rental & sales and could be pulled from the available list without notice.

Pressure Drills

2008 Texoma 330-20 Pressure Drills
Texoma 330-20 2008 Powertraxx 15SW-H
Unit Number: 7528-V300
Equipment:Texoma 330-20
Description:2008 Powertraxx 15SW-HT Tracked Carrier with a Cummins Diesel Engine and a Hydrostatic Transmission with a Texoma 330-20, Direct Drive, 20' Drill Depth Pressure Drill Powered by a John Deere Diesel Engine. Unit has a 48" slide and is a wiggle tail.
Location:Canton, OH - FOR SALE

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